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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Proshare Invest-Africa Recruiting!

Proshare Invest-Africa ( is the premier African online ‘public investor education and support with a vision to help users of its services to become better off by providing the intellectual facts to make the right financial decisions.
Our mission as an organisation is to create an investor friendly forum for all investors, financial institutions, analysts and service providers in the capital market to interact and promote intelligent exchanges of information and strategies needed to profitably engage the market.
We provide a critical component of the much needed market confidence and safety role through our platforms and engagement, building on our collective experience in running similar services in Nigeria and the Diaspora since 2002.
The structure of management and operations are within the enclave of the business units that serve the Proshare platforms; led by Olufemi Awoyemi, FCA.
We currently Recruting:
Click Here to apply for available positions

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